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Data Center

Data Center
Educational Article

It’s Time to Rethink the Concept of Micro Data Centers

enterprise business applications are plentiful. Yet flexible and user defined data centres for edge applications, which rely on dynamic real time data delivery, provisioning, processing and storage, are in short supply.

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Data Center
Educational Article

Subzero Engineering: Sustainable Solutions for Data Centers

Subzero Engineering recognises data centers are dynamic environments, so they have created customised containment solutions which make energy-efficient savings for their customers.

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Data Center
Educational Article

The Role of Containment in Mission-Critical Edge Deployments

Today, edge data centers need to provide a highly efficient, resilient, dynamic, scalable and sustainable environment for critical IT applications.

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Data Center
Success Story

atNorth, Subzero Standardize Approach to HPC Colocation

A case study by Subzero Engineering shows how leading Nordic data centre services firm atNorth was able to standardise its approach to HPC colocation.

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Data Center
Educational Article

Keeping the Edge Customer-Focused

For many years, the data center industry has been engaged in a deep discussion on the concept of edge computing. Yet the definition varies from vendor to vendor and from customer to customer, creating not only mass confusion, but a fixed mindset in terms of solutions design.

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Data Center
Educational Article

Enhancing Performance with Computational Fluid Dynamics

The current and growing industry focus on sustainability has highlighted the need to work towards energy efficient data center designs, which, in turn, should provide the perfect combination of sustainable operating conditions.

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Data Center
Educational Article

Defining Your Edge: Re-Thinking the Concept of Micro Data Center Designs

Modular, customizable, and scalable micro data center architectures can meet the end user’s requirements perfectly, allowing end-users to truly define and embrace their edge.

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Data Center
Press Release

Subzero Engineering Launches ‘Essential Micro Data Center’, Allowing Users to Define Their Own Edge

ering’s Essential Micro Data Center is the world’s first modular, vendor agnostic and truly flexible modular micro data center architecture.

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Data Center
Educational Article

Containment at the Edge – Making the Edge Efficient, Scalable, and Sustainable

The increase in data and the need for high-speed data transfers has inspired the recent trend known as edge computing.Da

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Data Center
Educational Article

5 Steps to Improving Data Center Performance & Energy Efficiency

Learn about relatively simple actions, which will have an immediate positive impact on your facility, and with an ROI measured in months rather than years.

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