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Food Preparation

Ensure a Sanitary and Contamination Free Food preparation Environment


Custom Solutions for Sterile
Food Prep and Packaging Environments


Having a clean, sterile environment to process, prep, and package food is integral in ensuring contaminant-free, high-quality products. Cleanliness and air quality are significant factors on how safe your product is and how quickly it spoils. Microorganisms can attach to airborne particles, and when food is exposed to air, creating an opportunity for airborne contamination. As a solution, Cleanroom technology can prevent these probes utilized in the food and packaging operations within processes that cannot be performed in a closed machine such as aseptic processing or packaging.

Whether you need a cleanroom for processing, prepping, or packaging Subzero Engineering can custom design a cleanroom to fit your specific needs.

Cleanroom technology can be utilized in the food and packaging operations within processes that cannot be performed in a closed machine such as aseptic processing or packaging.

Modular Clean Room Applications

Subzero Engineering’s Simplex modular clean rooms were developed with custom applications in mind. The possibilities are endless. Whatever the unique requirement, our team brings industry expertise and a proactive approach to solving even the most difficult isolation challenges.